Custom Decoration and Design Services


Conception & Design

Mural Painting

Conception & Design
Our aim is to realise your dreams. We create a personalised decoration for our clients. Each design takes into account the style and budget of our clientele, as well as the architectural elements of the existing structure. We can create an ambiance that suits both the property and your requirements. We skilfully adapt our techniques according to the project, ranging from Classical to Contemporary decorative techniques. Our creativity permits us to be sensitive to the ebb and flow of styles, to adapt our techniques to the major trends in contemporary design and decoration.
We also do projects of a more modest scale, for home interiors, for discerning clients that want something original and unique for their home environment. Our website will give you an idea of what we can bring to your decorative projects.
Renovation & Design
Skilled artisans, but also capable of advising, guiding, innovating, surprising. Our experience is a guarantee of quality.
We both have over 25 years experience in this field, working European-wide, travelling to find projects that can give expression to our creativity.

Frieze Decoration

colour alchemy
Colour is important for our well being. Our surroundings have an influence on us. Our aim is to realise your dreams.
We can create unique trompe-l’oeil works, to revitalise or harmonise an ambience, to give value to the spirit of a place, to restore cohesion to a salon.
Custom Projects
Have a custom project? We design custom projects all the time.
Contact us in English or French.
French Cellphone
0033 (0) 7 68 89 23 25
UK Cellphone
0044 (0) 7730 741867